Saturday, June 19, 2010

Life is extremely disatisfying... I'm constantly bored and I can't get rides anywhere so I rarely see my friends! Even Paige lives across the street (literally) and I have only seen her like 2ce all summer!!

Today I slept until past noon and than played my apps for over an hour. THAN I looked on the computer for another hour and a half helping mom look for shoes. And than I watched movies on netflix online. How freakishly boring if a Saturday?!

And now I discover that even though moths don't bug me at all, butterflies absolutely terrify me!! I'm on the couch downstairs getting ready to sleep because I was too freaked out to stay in my own room where a butterfly Is flyin throughout my room. MY room. And I can't kill it cause butterflies are so beautiful and even if I touched it I'd kill it. So defenseless is it, and so frikkin pathetic am I.

Tonight I decide to wonder why Sara and Liz stopped being friends. Because they were at the beginning off seventh grade and than in like the end if November they got into a huge fight about something and nobody but Jordan knows what. And I can't ask them because of exrelationships.

Ryan will be back next week... We'll see if anything comes of that

I want to go sleep in my room :'(
well maybe not sleep, but I can't watch step up 2 on my iPod downstairs or they might hear me

This life is confusing and so far I'm still looking for a reason - any reason - to keep living

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