Why sleep so much?? I mean, 10 hours a day?? I function on 6 on a good night, and 2 if I decide I have a lot to think about. Which I do. It's 12:32 am and I've got a ton to think about! Questions to ask and try to answer, people to analyze, a bed to make stop creaking, a book to read... the list goes on and on and on and on!!!!
Also, why can't people name things. Like pillows... Maybe it sounds weird now, but everything had to have sounded weird. Like the idea of writing things down!! We have years of unrecorded history simply because it was a weird thing to say what happened for someone to read. Now look at us! Even me, a 14-year-old, will be remembered for as long as the Internet exists!
Anyways, I think it would add value and personality to an object. I have a body pillow I named Freedrick (with a long e) just because I wanted it to have a name.
What? you have friends that sleep that long? how lame.